Breed - Shepherd mix
Gender - Female
Date of Birth - Apr'22 (2 yrs 8 months)
Can live with dogs? TBC (we think pref. only dog)
Can live with cats? Not tested
Can live with children? TBC
Location - West Sussex
To register your interest, please complete our Pre-adoption form:
If you have already been homechecked, please contact Elaine directly on 07736 049390

Penny is 2yrs and 8 months old and is a Shepherd mix
She has been in foster for us and is now fully healthy and neutered.
Her information to date below
• Penny walks well on a lead. She does pull if she finds a scent (especially deer) and can be quite strong. I'm not sure she has been lead walked before as it took her a while to get used to putting the lead on, but was not afraid of the lead itself . Now you say "Penny walk" and show her the lead and she comes to you.
• She was dog tested whilst in pound kennels but has not been socialised since being in foster as her fosterer was unsure - if she sees a dog on the lead she used to bark, but with seeing other dogs this has stopped. She will pull a bit towards them. When she gets close she can growl if allowed head to head. This is totally fear/unsureness in my opinion and something to be worked with.
• Children - fine with children 11 plus. Not tested with younger children. When she first arrived should she would occasionally 'mouth' a little so believe over 10 yrs ideally please.
• Has now learnt basic commands such as 'sit', 'wait'. 'Cross' for when crossing the road and 'here' for her to come to you knowing she will get a treat.
• Anxious - needs reassurance, her own space and no sudden movements or shouting as she will cower.
• Does not like getting in the car, but travels well. She needs to be lifted into the car and will jump out (watch back legs). We have worked on her getting closer to the car, taking treats from under it and on the car. Training to be continued.
• When walking around roads, she does take notice of the cars. When we first walked her near a road, she would 'cower' or jump whenever one went past, but her confidence has improved massively. Sometimes we just sit and watch them.
• She is fully house trained.
• Loves people, but not so good with change.
• Loyal to owner
• Calm in the house, sleeps often and loves zoomies.
• Gentle when taking treats
• Sleeps downstairs. Can be left alone for up to 4 hours with no problem.
• Not used any stairs
• Keen to please and definitely trainable.
We feel Penny will really thrive in a calm and rural home with Shepherd or similar experienced family
ALL IN ALL a delightful young dog