Tyler arrived at Arundawn on the 30th of May 2016 and was born in 2013.
What can we say about Tyler! He is young, shy and a delight! BUT … although there is nothing obviously wrong with him at all, Tyler has left for two foster and forever homes and has been returned. On one occasion 6 months later – having not eaten properly, lost a massive amount of weight as a result, had a dull and scurfy coat and been what we can all only describe as depressed!
After failing to find his forever home for the THIRD time for no good reason that we could find, it was decided that he had made his choice and was staying since with us he eats ‘too well’, loves the pack members, spends his days cuddling up with the other dogs and playing with some of the younger members.
Tyler is a quiet and reserved dog most of the time, a pleasure to be around and lovely to watch with the other dogs.

Tyler cuddling Barnaby at Arundawn (August 2017)