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  • Breed - Hancock Lurcher

  • Gender - Male

  • Date of Birth - June 2011

  • Likes - Everyone he meets, cuddles, treats, climbing into laps

  • Dislikes - None that we have found so far

  • Medical - He has a skewed muzzle - most likely a congenital defect he received in the womb. He cannot open his mouth as wide as other dogs, but it doesn't stop him in any meaningful way.


Dear Rufus joined Arundawn in December 2018 after he was found straying in the Midlands and did his time in the pound.


He came to us as a skinny, shy little boy and as the kennels were full, he went straight into the Sanctuary Pack and has never left. While we had initially considered putting him up for adoption, but as we had recently lost Arundawn Merlin who was another Hancock Lurcher, we decided that he had already found his home with us.


Rufus loves nothing more than to meet new people and dogs - he's at the forefront of the welcoming committee for anyone who comes to the yard and had a great deal of respect for Dougie the Cat. He can be frequently found at the bottom of the paddock gamboling about and is a great mentor to any younger dog that needs to be shown the ropes.

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