Welcome to arundawn
Arundawn Dog Rescue is based near Horsham, West Sussex.
We mainly focus on providing rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming for council pound strays from across the country who have served their obligatory 7 days and are facing euthanasia, through no fault of their own. We work with dog wardens, the police and other rescues to assess dogs in need and ensure that they find the right home for their temperament, energy levels and breed. We have built up a good reputation over many years now as a reliable and professional dog rehoming facility, with families adopting more than one Arundawn dog over time and many homed through recommendation.
Some of our successes enjoying their new lives...

You can see more of our successes here.
We are dedicated to finding the right home for both dog and adopters - dogs will never be rehomed on a first come first serve basis.
We aim to run fundraising events throughout the year.
Please check out our pages:
Upcoming events/fundraising: